SMIT2018-IBEC2018 합동 컨퍼런스에서 ‘서울선언’ 초안 공개

전 세계 의학자와 의공학자들이 모인 자리에서 의료기기 개발과 관련된 윤리 선언 초안이 공개됐다. ‘서울선언’이라는 이름이 붙은 선언문은 의료기기 분야 세계 최초 윤리 선언이다.

국제학회인 ‘Society for Medical Innovation and Technology(SMIT)’와 대한의용생체공학회는 지난 10일 서울 그랜드워커힐호텔에서 열린 ‘SMIT2018-IBEC2018 Joint Conference’에서 ‘윤리적인 의료기술을 위한 서울선언(The Seoul Declaration: A Manifesto for Ethical Medical Technology)’(이하 서울선언) 초안을 발표했다.

IBEC(International Biomedical Engineering Conference)은 의공학자들이 모인 의용생체공학회가 매년 개최하는 국제학술대회로 올해는 SMIT 제30차 학술대회와 함께 지난 8일부터 10일까지 진행됐다.

지난 10일 서울 그랜드워커힐호텔에서 열린 ‘SMIT2018-IBEC2018 Joint Conference’에서 ‘윤리적인 의료기술을 위한 서울선언(The Seoul Declaration: A Manifesto for Ethical Medical Technology)’ 초안이 공개됐다. 컨퍼런스에 참석한 각 분야 전문가들은 서울선언 내용에 동의한다는 의미로 서명식을 가졌다.

서울선언은 이번 컨퍼런스의 주제인 ‘인간의 가치를 위한 의료기술(Medical Technology for Human Values)’을 그대로 담았다.

서울선언은 “의료기술이 발전할수록 윤리와 관련된 문제들도 부각되고 있다. 때로는 전통적인 의료윤리가 의학의 발전과 혁명적인 발명을 따라가지 못하기도 한다”면서도 “로봇공학, 인공지능, 자율장치(autonomous devices)가 윤리적인 기술을 지원하고 확장할 수 있는 기회를 제공할 수 있다는 점을 인식해야 한다”고 강조했다.

또한 “환자 안전을 강화하는 윤리적인 기술은 보편적인 건강보장(Universal Health Coverage, UHC)을 달성하고 유엔 지속가능발전목표(UN Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)로 다가가는 중요한 요소”라고 했다.

이에 “윤리적인 의료기술 지원을 약속한다”며 “글로벌 건강 문제에 대해 산업계와 함께하는 협력적이고, 윤리적이며 투명한 바이오메디컬 설계방법론을 지지한다”고도 했다.

서울선언은 “정부에 새로운 기술 표준과 개방형 전자 인프라 개발을 위한 지원과 투자를 촉구해야 한다”며 새로운 기술 개발을 위한 정부 지원을 촉구하는 내용도 담았다.

SMIT는 의료기기 개발 분야 전문가들이 참여하는 위원회를 만들어 서울선언 최종안을 마련한 뒤 관련 분야 국제학회들의 지지를 받을 계획이다. 또 최종안은 국제학술지 기고를 통해 발표할 예정이다.

SMIT2018-IBEC2018 조직위원회 김영우 회장(국립암센터)은 청년의사와 인터뷰에서 “의료기기를 개발할 때 어떤 방향성과 마음가짐을 갖고 있어야 하는지를 공유한다는 의미가 있다”며 “의료기기 개발 과정에서 적용하는 가이드라인이 되는 선언”이라고 말했다.

'윤리적인 의료기술을 위한 서울선언'(초안)

The Seoul Declaration: A Manifesto for Ethical Medical Technology

The Seoul Declaration on ethical medical technology is founded on the policies articulated in the World Health Assembly resolution WHA55.18 (2002), which urged Member States to “pay the closest possible attention to the problem of patient safety and establish and strengthen science-based systems, necessary for improving patient safety and the quality of health care”.

Seoul is capital of Korea where the national ideology has been to “benefit all mankind” and has followed cultural values and norms of harmony, balance, and moderation which are fundamental to Korean culture and prosperity for 10000 years.

We welcome the vision and leadership of countries in building political sponsorship and momentum at the highest levels of government to address the development and deployment of ethical medical technologies globally as well as locally, adhering to the precept that “Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.”

We reaffirm our commitment to improving medical technology and patient safety in order to reduce all avoidable harm and the risk of harm to all patients and people during their interaction with providers and health care systems, whoever they are, wherever they live, and endorse the following Seoul Declaration, while:

Recognizing that unsafe health care and avoidable patient harm represents a serious challenge to health care service delivery globally, including the significant level of preventable human suffering, the considerable strain on health system finances and the loss of trust in health systems and in governments;

Recognizing the need to promote and implement new technologies based on human factors design that promote patient safety following medical ethics are fundamental requirements of all service delivery systems, at all levels of health care and in all health care settings;

Recognizing that the latest advances in medical technology, however, are raising many questions relative to ethics. The revolutionary inventions and advancements in the field of medicine have sometimes meant that traditional medical ethics could not be followed.

Recognizing that automated robotics, artificial intelligence, autonomous devices represent an ongoing opportunity to expand and support ethical technical innovation;

Recognizing that ethical technologies that promote patient safety are important components of health care delivery and newer technologies are essential to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC), and moving towards UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); and that patient safety systems and practices need to be established in all countries as one of the critical health care standards for achieving UHC on a sustainable basis;

Recognizing the roles that information and communication technology play, from data collection and surveillance to monitoring and notification, anticipating risks, improved service delivery and improved safety and quality;

Recognizing the role of engaging and empowering patients and families in the design and implementation of medical technologies that help deliver safe and quality care and in all aspects in health care - policy development, organizational level, decision making, health literacy and self-care.

We declare that we will:

Pledge to support ethical medical technologies. Enable health care institutions, both public and private, from the level of primary care through to referral level care, to implement changes in an ethical and transparent manner, in systems and practices to improve patient safety using new medical technologies, while contributing to achieving UHC and SDGs;

Support collaborative, ethical and transparent biomedical design methodologies working with industry for global health concerns. Collaboration is essential for successful engineering of complex projects and the biomedical engineering field stands out for the need of multidisciplinary teams capable of systematically addressing the development of medical devices considering medical, social, economical, technical, safety and regulatory issues.

Call on our governments to fund and support development of new technical standards and open-access e-infrastructures for global action. The development and employment of adequate data management strategies and of methodologies for improved information sharing is intimately connected to the construction of healthy, sustainable, creative, effective and efficient collaborative design environments. Developing user-friendly, versatile, stable and safe open-access e-infrastructures, for supporting these online interactions in the collaborative development of biomedical devices, and following FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) data principles as the right direction for achieving global action towards the democratization of medical technology.

Strive for harmonization of medical devices directives and accessible standards. Construct a framework for enabling medical technologies to reach everyone and everywhere relies on the use of common design practices and on the fulfillment of broadly accepted regulations that must warrant patients’ safety and that should allow for a compliant device to be commercialized and applied worldwide.

Sign and assume the present manifesto, as a symbol of commitment and deep respect for future collaboration. We will pursue the aims highlighted in this document, supporting our partners, promoting collaboration with significant stakeholders (from patients, patients’ associations, medical professionals and biomedical engineers, to educators, policy makers, manufactures and companies), working towards universally accessible, intrinsically safe and high-quality medical technologies and solving unforeseen issues with a balance between pragmatism and idealism (pedes in terra ad sidera visus).

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